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Our Mission
We are here to inform, connect and nurture Hindu healthcare professionals across the UK and beyond.
We aim to bring Hindu doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals, in the NHS and private sector, together under the umbrella of Hinduism, which we would hope would serve as a moral, ethical and religious compass, enriching their everyday lives and their professional practice.
Our membership includes all levels and disciplines of health professional, including medical undergraduate students, trainee junior doctors, general practitioners, hospital consultants, specialty doctors and others. We wish to include people from all different backgrounds, regardless of variations in geographical origin and cultural or linguistic identity. Our goal is to help everybody to achieve their fullest potential.
We believe that a Dharmic perspective has much to contribute to healthcare-related issues, as Dharma is essentially a practice which strives towards attaining well-being for all. We aim to apply the Dharmic perspective to bring a relevant and valuable outlook to health-related issues as wide-ranging as organ transplantation to waste reduction and environmental sustainability.

Who we are
We are a team of healthcare professionals at all different career levels and settings who have come together from across the UK to help link the Hindu healthcare community.
Here is a selection of our current committee :
Mr Dipan Mistry
Consultant in ENT, Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS FT
Dr Divya Prinja Kapila
GP with specialist interest in Cardiology
Miss Kanchan Bhan
Consultant Ophthalmologist, Leeds Teaching Hospitals
Dr Priya Bhagwat
Consultant in Histopathology at Imperial College NHS Trust, London
Dr Vinay Sharma
General Practitioner, Newcastle upon Tyne
Dr Yogish Joshi
Consultant Interventional Neuroradiologist, Cambridge University Hospital
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